When people take part in a race, they usually expect the race to be timed and for results to be published somewhere on the web. I regard the publication of the results to be part of the contract between the race organiser and the runner. Usually, the race organiser publishes the results on their website or on their Facebook group or links to the results that have been provided by a third party such as a chip timing company. Infrequently, the race organiser is unable to do this and asks me to upload the results to my website. So this website occasionally publishes the results of a race. Also infrequently, I pass on these results to the press to provide supporting information for stories they write about races. These results will include (but not be limited to) the following personal data for each runner: name, any club affiliation, race times, and age category.
Currently, it is planned to keep the data indefinitely.
The photos of runners are stored on flickr. Here's a link to
flickr's web page about privacy.
Some of the photos of runners are also stored on Facebook. Here's a link to
Facebook's web page about GDPR.
The web pages at www.oxonraces.com are stored on servers at hostgator
- here's a link to
hostgator's web page about GDPR.
The web pages at www.oxonraces.co.uk are stored on servers at a2hosting
- here's a link to
a2hosting web page about GDPR.
A cookie is a small data file that is written to the device you are using to access the website. I use cookies on some of the web pages of this website. Each web page that uses a cookie is using it to set a preference for your use of the website. Each web page that allows you to set a cookie explains what the cookie is being used for and allows you to decide whether you want to use a cookie to set this preference. It also allows you to delete the cookie if it has previously been created by the web page. There is more about how cookies are used by this website on the about web page. There is more about what a cookie is at www.allaboutcookies.org.
I arrange for usage of this website to be tracked and recorded in the website's access log. The access log records your IP address, the type of web browser you are using, which web page directed you to my website and some other information. I use this information to troubleshoot and resolve any problems with the website and to summarize usage of the website.
This privacy policy may be changed without prior notice. If you have a query about this website's privacy policy, please e-mail me.