This web page lists those races where someone has provided some information about the route of the race.
Whenever possible, the table below has a link to a web page provided by the organisers of the race that has a map showing the route of the race or provides detailed information about the route. If I've been unable to find such a map, the table may provide a link to the map produced by the course measurer (if there is one on the web). Failing those two possibilities, the table provides a link or links to maps that others have provided. Important: unless the map has been provided by the organisers, the map may be inaccurate or out-of-date. I think those that are in the column OK are accurate whereas I don't know about those that are in the column dunno.
Several years ago, people often used Gmaps-Pedometer to provide course maps. However, with the arrival of new mapping tools, this seems to fallen out of favour. However, in the gpmap columns on this web page there are links to maps at Gmaps-Pedometer. These may be out-of-date.
The date column gives the date when the race will next take place or the date when I have a record of it last taking place. Only races that have taken place on or after 7th March 2022 are included.